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Sunday, 20 December 2015

The Christmas Tag

In the spirit of Christmas I wanted to do a fun post. I loooove answering questions. When I was at school I lived for questionnaires. I am one those people who also answers "review" questionnaires. I can not help it.

So, lets do the Christmas Tag.

1. What is your favourite holiday movie? 
How the Grinch stole Christmas.I love this movie. It is just so sweet and fuzzy and has such a nice message. Little kid pure at heart. Awe, all teary eyed!

2. Have you ever had a white Christmas?
Unfortunately not. I am dreaming of one. Maybe end of 2017. Who knows.

3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?
Anywhere where my family is. It is used to be either in Gauteng or the Western Cape. This year it will be in Yzerfontein with my family.

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas-Micheal Buble
5. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers?
I know only one- Rudolph. It is a shame! 

6. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?
Well, this question is a bit late. I always look forward to my tradition, I started 5yrs ago, to set up the Christmas Tree. I love doing it!  

7. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Fake-you don't get a real Christmas tree where I live. Never seen one before.

8. What is your all-time favourite holiday food/sweet treat?
Triffle pudding!

9. Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
This is a hard one. I like both, but receiving more. It makes me feel loved.

10. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received? 
The year my parents paid my flight for me to come visit them. That was awesome!

11. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?

12. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably? 
I am a pro. Love doing it.

13. Most memorable Holiday moment? 
When we were kids we used to sing carols on Christmas Eve. After that we usually opened presents. I will always remember those evenings. It brings everyone together and it just gave you such a wonderful feeling.

14. What made you realize the truth about Santa? 
I don't think there was a specific moment. You just kind of get it as you get older.

15. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Do you stick to them? 
I used to and failed miserably, but this year I set goals and I achieved all of them. More on this later (post date 31/12/15)

16. What makes the holidays special for you?
Always my family and then the decorations and carols.

17. What is your favourite Christmas colour?
Red (and white).

18. Do you like to stay in your pj’s or dress up for Christmas?
Dress up. Then I just feel good and festive.

19. If you could only buy 1 person a present this year, who would it be?
I would rather then buy nothing for no one. This is torture. My sister.

20. Do you open presents on Christmas eve or Christmas morning?
We used to do it Christmas eve, but nowadays we do it on Christmas morning.

21. Have you ever built a ginger bread house? 
Unfortunately not. Do not know where to even start.

22. What do you like to do on Christmas break? 
Go to the beach. I spent 18 yrs every December at the beach. It is still my favourite thing to do. So when I get the chance and I don't work over Christmas you will find me at Yzerfontein.

23. Any Christmas wishes? 
Love, peace and healing for everyone. 

24. Favourite Christmas smell? 
This is going to sound weird, but camp fire. The smell of camp fires hanging in the air reminds me of December and Christmas. 

25. Favourite Christmas treat? 
Candy Canes!

26. Have you ever made a snowman?  
No :( It does not snow where I live, Maybe in 2017. ;)

27. What is at the top of your Christmas list?
I have to be honest. There is not 1 thing that stands out. I have a few. You can check out my list here 

28. What is most important to you about the holidays?
Tolerance and love. It is a time for people to re-connect and make things right that was broken. Re-connect and find yourself. Remembering that present that God gave this world.  

29. Name one thing you bought for someone as a Christmas present.
A book. 

30. Your Christmas wish to your readers.
Dear friend, I wish you a Merry Christmas. May you be surrounded by friends and family and feel loved and at peace. May this be a prosperous year and you be blessed with God's richest. Merry, merry Christmas to you and your family! Love, Elré. 

Speak to you soon

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